Paper Jams: Everything You Need to Know

Before you start to clear a paper jam, we have identified two of the most common issues that our customers encounter. First, it boils down to clearing the paper jam properly, and second, they have to clear the entirety of the paper jam. Customers should first check to make sure that they have removed the paper jam correctly. We have known customers who considered a paper jam cleared if they ripped out the sheets. Wait! Not that way! We always recommend customers consult their owner’s manual because many times you will find that it is a step-by-step process. You want to know exactly how to clear the jam.blindfold

Other times, you have a copier that uses knobs and handles to clear away the jam. Always use the knobs and handles if they are available. In addition, the arrow will indicate the direction to turn them. Sometimes people will grow impatient and turn them in the opposite direction. This could break the sensor, guide plate, clutch or gear. Finally, make sure that you have removed the entirety of the paper from your machine. A small piece of paper that remains in the copier can still cause a jam.