Copier Leasing in Kansas City — A Little Secret…

What Your Won't Hear From Your Copier Rep...

There is a little secret out there that people don’t talk about when it comes to buying a copier in Kansas City.  The basics are this…  If you are leasing a copier using a leasing company like GreatAmerica or GE Cap or another popular leasing company, you are responsible to package and ship the copier back to them at the end of the term (assuming it’s a typical FMV lease in KC).

If you have to do this and you didn’t work out a packaging price with the copier company you are purchasing from, you are likely to have a $500 to $800 bill at the end of your lease.  Barely anyone wants to pay this to be finally done, so copier companies are smart, they know you don’t want to spend this so they tell you “we’ll package it up and ship it for you for free if you buy your next copier from us.

This deal is too good to pass up for most companies.  They reduce or eliminate competition, and by doing this, they usually wind up paying $40 to $50 more a month for 5 years to save $500 to $800.  Not good economics.

The point?  Don’t wait until its time to return a copier to negotiate.  You should always negotiate from “cradle to grave”  — Looming costs always rise over time unless they are contractual.  Give us a call to help you with your next copier in Kansas City!